Mutiny Blog
Network performance issues you can address with monitoring
The performance of your network does not just affect the ability of your teams to do their jobs, it can also have a knock on effect on customer service and external perceptions of your business. Something we cover in our blog here.
Business infrastructure is often complex with many potential bottle necks and failure points. It’s often impossible to constantly monitor everything, so post implementation, a comprehensive network monitoring solution such as Mutiny can give your team the visibility they need to ensure performance and avoid downtime.
Below are the major points that need to be addressed in order to ensure a happy team and serviced customers:
This should be your top priority. Downtime costs organisations millions every year and it's not just the financial costs of lost sales. Non-responsive customer facing systems can damage your reputation too. Your infrastructure needs to be up 24/7. Pro-active network monitoring can detect the issues which could signal impending failure and pass these to your teams for action before they affect your team.
2. Bandwidth - Speed
Equally annoying for your teams and customers is the speed of the network. This can affect users on your network and even have knock on effects on customer facing systems such as your e-commerce website, not good if someone is trying to buy a product. Automated network monitoring software can monitor your traffic and alert you when bandwidth demands spike. Understand quickly which devices are causing the issues and help you to correct them before they have a knock on effect.
3. Lack of storage
The data generated by applications are generally getting bigger and so are the demands on file servers and storage. This includes storage requirements for both new data, legacy data from old servers and files which are out of date and no longer used.
Backing up and removing redundant files to a repository can free up lots of space. But when do you do this? When will you know your file server is getting full? Again, automated monitoring can support you by identifying dwindling disk space and warn your teams when things are approaching critical, before they effect the end users.
4. Cyber Threats
In the modern age of connected devices, understanding who and what is on your network is key to understanding not only the demands in terms of performance but also what those devices are doing. Monitoring data from these devices and identifying any unusual traffic can alert your network team allow them to block or limit access.
Network monitoring and automation solutions can keep your network running at its best. With constant monitoring you can ensure that speed, downtime and other issues are reduced or eradicated. If you are looking to take more control of your network, understand what is connected and stay ahead of threats and issues give Mutiny a call or try our free interactive demonstration.
If you would like to see a live demonstration of the Mutiny monitoring product or discuss the options available, please get in touch.
Content and images supplied by Context PR
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