Mutiny Blog
Six reasons why IT monitoring and reporting is important to your business
Network monitoring is a critical IT function that has a wide range of benefits for businesses of all sizes. It can save money in network performance, employee productivity and infrastructure costs, and it is far more strategic than its name implies. It involves watching and reporting on problems 24/7, but it's also about optimising data flow and access in a complex and changing environment.
A network monitoring system like Mutiny can help find solutions to a wide range of problems including slow webpage downloads, lost e-mail, questionable user activity and file delivery caused by overloaded, crashed servers, and issues with network connections.
Virtually any kind of network can be monitored. It doesn't matter whether it's wireless or wired, a corporate LAN, VPN or service provider WAN. You can monitor devices on different operating systems with a multitude of functions, ranging from smartphones to servers, routers and switches.
Here are our top 6 reasons why IT monitoring and reporting is important for your business.
1) Visibility and control
2) Optimise network reliability
The most basic function of a network monitoring solution is to indicate whether a device (such as a router, switch, server, database, etc.) is working or not. You don't want to have to wait for the phone to start ringing because people are experiencing performance issues. A proactive approach to maintaining a healthy network keeps help desk requests to a minimum and ensures that you reduce the number of incidents and downtime occurrences.
3) Improve the bottom line
Monitoring software makes you more productive by saving time on network management, while decreasing operating costs. Furthermore, because you are aware of current or impending problems, you can manage or reduce downtime to a more convenient time for the business, and increase the productively and efficiency of your team and the business.
4) Understand capacity and boost performance
As utilisation of your network grows, you will want to plan for additional devices and bandwidth to stay ahead of demand. Actively tracking the status of your devices and software applications means you can understand what is being used at any given time and how your users are consuming their devices. Benchmarking your current performance and setting goals and milestones that you need to achieve will enable you to increase performance and stay ahead of the competition.
5) Be better informed
Network monitoring helps you to uncover how the IT department drives value. Analysis of historical data about your network enables you to monitor trends, giving you the information you need to make ongoing enhancements. Sharing these insights provides stakeholders with better knowledge of your IT estate and the information needed to make strategic decisions. Providing reports to senior manages and service stakeholders also improves their perception of how you are managing the systems they rely on.
6) Corporate compliance
Compliance is an important task for busy IT teams who are required to meet all the regulatory and protection standards for increasingly complex networks. The data you extract from your reporting tools helps you to evaluate your entire system to ensure you are delivering a secure and efficient service that meets all the required standards. The latest compliance guidelines recommend actively watching for changes in normal system behaviour and unusual data flow, by have a 24/7 monitoring system in place can help to alert you when these exceptions occur.
Using the Mutiny secure monitoring appliance
You can mitigate operational risks to your systems and optimise your IT efficiency. It monitors your estate and sends alerts to Technicians, Admins, wallboards or external Service Providers.
Now in our twenty-first year, with a proven track record of network monitoring for many of the UK's most trusted & respected businesses and organisations, we are the only British company operating in this technology sector.
Mutiny can scale to over 16,000 devices per minute with over 200,000 elements/sensors from a single appliance with little to no impact on the network!
Mutiny Integrates directly into ServiceNow® for a central view of process and services.
Mutiny has an extensive API for integration into your systems.
Users can publish mutiny views in Teams and other in-house platforms.
No other platform comes close in terms of ease of use, rapid deployment and performance.
Mutiny can be set up, configured and be monitoring your network in less than a day! Staff can fully access it via the Web-based HTTPS front-end, allowing you to monitor your entire estate remotely, from any device or location with a current Web browser.
Why not download a virtual trial appliance, request a 60-day temporary licence, and see how your systems perform?
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Content and images supplied by Context PR
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