
Section 7 - Mutiny User Interface

This section provides details of the various screen and their configuration options.

7.1. Monitoring View

The monitoring view contains the nodes you have grouped together in custom views the nodes may have icons or status icons superimposed on custom backgrounds to enhance user's visibility. You can select a view by clicking it on the left hand side, the active view is highlighted.

You can select between [Node Map] [Table View] [Top Tens] and [Open Events]

Hovering over a node will bring up the node's tool tip with information on the node, double clicking on the node will open the node's status panel.

 If a view contains sub views, the list on the left will show the current view with a + and can be expanded to show the sub views. The Sub views are also displayed on the screen with an icon.

Users can rearrange the order of the nodes in a custom view by dragging them to the desired location. If the user has tuned on "Draw hierarchy" in the view configuration panel the nodes will have a line connecting them to their parent if the parent is also in the view. The parent child hierarchy is defined in the Node Manager. The next two figures demonstrate the hierarchy in the node manager and the same in a view.

The background images can be customised for views, these are used to enhance the view and provide extra information. The icons for all nodes can be changed on a per view basis between Large and Small Icons, Large and Small Status indicators as well as the location of the label. Using a combination of these features users can create striking and useful views.

7.1.1 Editing Custom Views
The list of custom views is controlled by pressing the  button to open the drag and drop window.

Views can be dragged to your desired location and dragged over another view to make it a sub-view. The (add) button allows you to create a new empty view.

7.1.2 Smart Views
Included in the list of views are "Smart Views" these views contain nodes automatically added by the system based on certain criteria regardless of any custom views they may also be listed in:

All Nodes         Contains all the nodes added to Mutiny.
Unassigned Nodes          Contains any nodes added to mutiny that are not contained in any custom view
Windows Systems          Contains all nodes running a windows OS (as discovered by SNMP)
Cisco Systems          Contains nodes running IOS

7.2. Table View

The table view tab loads all the nodes into a table of nodes versus properties.

The view can be sorted and filtered by using the drop-downs at the top of the frame, press the update button to make the changes. This view will refresh every minute.

7.3. Node Manager

The node manager as an admin level area for the management of the nodes to be monitored by a mutiny system. The node manager is organised in a tree or topology view we call the domain tree.

The domain tree can be expanded and collapsed at the branch device level using the small controls indicated above. The hierarchy allows mutiny to perform root cause analysis and suppress false alerts from areas in the network that are unreachable.

7.3.1. Adding nodes

There are 3 methods for adding nodes to the domain tree; add single or list of addresses to a node, Discover a range of addresses, add nodes with traceroute. Using a combination of these methods you can very quickly set up your estate for monitoring. Traceroute

To quickly add nodes in a distributed network or WAN use the  button. This opens a panel that allows you to add in a list of end point address, one per line, that will be tracerouted in turn. All responding nodes in the trace will be added in the domain tree in their traced order.

Press the [Apply] button at the bottom of the panel to start the traceroute. Discover

Locates all the nodes on a network by searching within a set range of IP Addresses.
Two types of discovery can be performed.
Only SNMP - Detects only the devices running SNMP with security settings (Community String and IP address filters) that would allow Mutiny SNMP read-only access.
SNMP & Ping - In addition to the above, all nodes that respond to a ping are also added.
Start IP Address - A suitable IP Address from which to commence the Discovery. To discover and entire Class C subnet, addresses of the form: a.b.c.0/24 are also permitted.
End IP Address Byte - The final Octet to be the end point of the discovery IP address range.
Discovery Type - Set to either "Only SNMP" or "SNMP & Ping" as described above.
Additional Community Strings - Enter any additional SNMP Community Strings that you want to be used during the discovery process. Note that the string "public" will always be tried and should not be entered here. Also note that SNMP Community Strings are case-sensitive.
Set Node Name As: - Select an option from the drop down box.

Note that when performing node discovery, the discovered nodes can be automatically added as children of any node in the Domain Tree. In these circumstances, a suggested Start IP Address and End IP Address Byte are shown. This technique of node discovery is most useful when trying to add nodes at a remote site as the Root-Cause Analysis will be calculated in the event of ping failure.

To add a range or whole subnet of addresses to the node manager, right click on the node where you want the nodes to appear. This would normally be under a switch or router.

The panel that opens allows you to put in a start address and end byte, select the discovery type for Ping and SNMP or SNMP only. If you have previously set-up your estate for SNMP monitoring then the SNMP only option will save you having to remove unwanted "Ping Only" nodes that may include desktops and other unwanted devices.

Press the apply button to start the discovery. Add a list of addresses

If you already have a list of IP addresses you with to monitor then open the Add New Nodes panel from the place in the tree where you want the nodes to appear.

Type in or paste the list into the field and press apply to add the devices.

7.3.2. Deleting

There are 2 methods for removing nodes; the first is to right click on the node to be removed and select delete.

If you have more than one node to delete then press the  button to open selection panel.

Select the nodes to delete using a combination of select, shift select and ctrl select and press apply to remove. You will be asked to confirm your action before the nodes are removed.

7.3.4 Sorting the domain Tree

To reorder the domain tree you can drag a node to a new location or drag it on top of another node to make it a child.

7.3.5 Auto switch sorting (find my children)

Mutiny can try to reorganise the domain tree based on a switch topology discovery. Mutiny has two versions of this; one allows a system wide sort to be done with the  button and the second can be done on a per switch basis by right clicking on a switch and selecting "Find my children"

Pressing the move nodes button with bring the selected node under (a child of) the switch.

7.4. Logs View

7.4.1. Event Log

This table lists all events that have triggered, this may be due to a threshold being passed or agent matching a condition. Events listed may not turn into an alert if they transition back to OK within the event alert threshold. Additionally some users contacts may not receive notification of these events if they are not configured to receive them.

You can filter this table using the pull-down options.

7.4.2. Alert Log

Similar to the event log, this table is a journal of the actions taken for each event. This are;

  • Queued - Item has passed the initial event threshold and is a real event for processing and one item is created for each contact enabled.
  • Processed - One item for each contact that has been successfully sent
  • Cancelled - If an event returns back to OK whilst a contact delay timer is running the alert is cancelled.

This table can be filtered using the pull-down fields.

The linked ID reference will show the content of the message sent.

7.4.3. Alert Queue

This shows the currently queued Alerts and the reason they are in the queue

7.4.4. Open events

The open events button switches to a filtered view that graphically display the nodes that are currently in alert, how long they have been in this state and details of the properties involved.

7.4.5 Open events wallboard

Pressing this button open the "Open Events" screen as new window that can be put onto a large screen. Users can also open a similar screen from each view giving a filtered version that does not require a log on.

7.5. NetFlow View

If your system is licenced for NetFlow this screen will be active and shows a summary of the flow data sent to the system from a suitable NetFlow V5 probe. The module summarises the top ten talkers, listeners and protocols for the last 24hours.

The filters at the top of the screen allow you filter between probes and interfaces if available. The filters ate the bottom of the screen allow filtering between Target and Conversant.

7.6. Top Tens View

If your system is licenced for this module it will display the current top ten nodes for each property group.

This view refreshes every minute and the tables updated. Click on any linked value to open the property or graph displayed.

7.7. Administration

7.7.1. System Configuration  [Admin]=>System

Establishes the system configuration for the Mutiny system.

System Settings:

System Name
The host name of the system. Enter the fully qualified domain name, in the form "". This name is used to identify the Mutiny system in Email and SMS Alerts that it sends.
Reporter Address
If you have installed a Mutiny Reporter, its internal IP address should be entered in this box. This will normally be "".
Hot Standby Floating Address
This IP address (and the "Hot Standby Partner Address" below) are used in the configuration of a Mutiny Hot-Standby system.
Hot Standby Partner Address
This IP address (and the "Hot Standby Floating Address" above) are used in the configuration of a Mutiny Hot-Standby system.
Syslog Server Address
The IP address of an (optional) Syslog server to receive all logging generated by Mutiny.
Hardware Platform
The hardware type of the appliance can be selected from the list.

Email Settings:

Email Relay Ip Address
The IP address of the SMTP mail server required to process Email Alerts.
Email From: Address
The text that is entered in this box is used to set the "From": field of any Email Alerts.
System Contact Email Address
The Email address the person responsible for this Mutiny system.
Email Subject Prefix
The text that is entered in this box with be prefixed of the "Subject": field of any Email Alerts.

SNMP Settings:

System Contact
Name of the person responsible for this Mutiny system. This name will be returned by the Mutiny system in response to a relevant SNMP request.
System Location
Name of the location where this Mutiny system is installed. This location will be returned by the Mutiny system in response to a relevant SNMP request.
SNMP Community String
The Read-only SNMP Community String (a type of password) that must be used to gather (Poll) SNMP information from the Mutiny System.
Trap Receiver Address
The IP address of an (optional) NMS to receive SNMP traps sent by Mutiny.

Licence Settings:

Serial Number
The unique software serial number of the Mutiny system.
Licence key
The signed Mutiny Licence key obtained from Mutiny Limited.
Please complete the form located at to obtain a full licence.

7.7.2. Network Configuration   [Admin]=>Network

Establishes the network configuration for the Mutiny system.
(A reasonable knowledge of IP networking is required to fully understand the Configuration.)
Ethernet Interfaces
Allows the IP Addresses assigned to the system's interfaces to be altered.
The internal name of the network interface. Normally "eth1" will be the interface connected to the network that is being monitored.
The IP address of the interface.
Subnet Mask
The network mask of the interface.
Default Gateway
The IP address of a gateway (or router) through which any non-local IP traffic should be forwarded.
Domain Name Service Servers:
Allows a number of DNS servers to be added to or deleted from the system.
The index number of the DNS server.
The IP address of the DNS server.
Static Routes:
Three boxes (Network Address, Subnet Mask & Gateway) to specify any static routes that may be required in addition to the Default Gateway defined above.
Network Address
The IP address of the remote network to which the static route is to point.
Subnet Mask
The network mask to be applied to the Network Address in order to generate the routing table entry.
The IP address of a gateway (or router) to be used as the first hop of this static route.

7.7.3. Web Server Settings [Admin]=>Web Server

This section controls the use of site certificates for securing the Mutiny system.

7.7.4. System Operations [Admin]=>System Operations

Executes commands to the Mutiny system.

This allows the Event and Alert Logs to be pruned on a month by month basisThis allows the Event and Alert Logs to be pruned on a month by month basis.

This allows the Historic database to be pruned on a month by month basis. NOTE that this button only appears if you have historic data that was collected using versions of Mutiny prior to Version 3.5. This allows the Historic database to be pruned on a month by month basis. NOTE that this button only appears if you have historic data that was collected using versions of Mutiny prior to Version 3.5.

This deletes any settings added to the system since its installation.This deletes any settings added to the system since its installation.

This reactivates the system's Ping and SNMP polling routines.This reactivates the system's Ping and SNMP polling routines.

This reactivates the web server engine used to generate the system's displays and Admin Section. When depressed the web browser will show an error page and the user will have to login again.This reactivates the web server engine used to generate the system's displays and Admin Section. When depressed the web browser will show an error page and the user will have to login again.

This resets the system, causing it to shut down and then perform a reboot.This resets the system, causing it to shut down and then perform a reboot.

This causes the system to perform a managed shutdown and should be performed prior to removing external power to avoid any loss of data.This causes the system to perform a managed shutdown and should be performed prior to removing external power to avoid any loss of data.

This activates a panel that allows the system's time, date and time zone to be set or altered.This activates a panel that allows the system's time, date and time zone to be set or altered.

This screen contains a link to System Maintenance web server. This web server is independent of the Java web server used to operate the appliance. The maintenance web server resides on port 81 of your system address. i.e. http://your.mutiny.add:81 The maintenance screen has the ability to perform some of the functions in the previous System operations section, additionally it allows for the uploading of updates to the Mutiny operating system.This screen contains a link to System Maintenance web server. This web server is independent of the Java web server used to operate the appliance.
The maintenance web server resides on port 81 of your system address. i.e. http://your.mutiny.add:81
The maintenance screen has the ability to perform some of the functions in the previous System operations section, additionally it allows for the uploading of updates to the Mutiny operating system.

7.7.5. Backup / Restore [Admin]=>Backup/Restore

Allows snapshots of the system's configuration to be saved and stored. The snapshots contain up to 3 different types of data:

  • System Configuration data - The configuration details of this Mutiny system, including network configuration and licence information.
  • Mutiny Configuration - The devices that are currently being monitored by Mutiny and their monitored properties following the last polling cycle.
  • Historical Data - The measured node properties over the last 12 months (or less).

A row of tick boxes defines which particular types of data are included in the stored snapshots and there is also a row of tick boxes to define the data that will be included in the next snapshot to be taken.

A maximum of five snapshots can be stored. When a sixth snapshot is taken the first one is automatically deleted.
File Snapshot:
When this button is selected a new snapshot will be taken at the next screen refresh. This will be then be added to the list. Should the snapshot fail then an appropriate error message will appear.
The name of the snapshot is defined as "The first 12 characters of the backup file are assigned by the system. For example 200209061606 shows that the snapshot was taken in the year 2002; month 09; day 06; time 1606. The underlined file name acts as a link to allow it to be saved away from the system for backup purposes."
System Configuration, Mutiny Configuration, Historical Data
These 3 check boxes show the types of data that are included in the snapshot.

If this box is checked and the Update button selected then the system will delete the snapshot.
If this radio button is checked and the Update button selected the system will automatically overwrite the current configuration and replace it with the one selected.
Copy to USB
If this radio button is checked and the Update button selected the system will automatically copy the selected file to backup USB key if present.

Other Options:
This button clears any restore selections, alternatively the main Backup / Restore button can be selected to reset the form.
You can choose to have snapshot files generated automatically either Daily, Weekly or Monthly.
Password for Backup user
The Mutiny backup data storage directory is exported as a network drive with the name "mutiny". It can be mounted over the network from a PC or server running Microsoft Windows in the standard manner, by entering the following network path in the "Open" dialogue box from the Windows "Start=>Run" menu:
\\[YourMutinyDNSNameOrIPAddress]\mutiny\backup where "[YourMutinyDNSNameOrIPAddress]" is the DNS name or IP address of your Mutiny system.
When prompted by the dialogue box, the User name required will be "backup" and the Password will be as set here. Once you have mounted the share as a network drive, you can simply copy the Mutiny backup files to the server of your choice.
Leaving blank or removing the password disables the SMB service and closes the SMB ports.
Upload File:
Provides a standard "Browse" function to enable snapshot files to be uploaded to the system.

Backups on USB Key Drive (if available):

Using an USB Key Drive
If you have a rack-mounted physical appliance, Mutiny will automatically copy the last 2 backups onto a USB "key drive" that is inserted into one of the USB interface sockets. However, for this to work the drive must have a folder (directory) with the name "mutinyBackup" created on it (before it is inserted). To avoid problems, the USB key drive should have a capacity of at least 2GB, be formatted as FAT32 and have a volume name of "USB_DISK".

7.7.6. User Administration [Admin]=>Users

Enables users to be added to the system (or removed) and to establish their access privileges.
User Name - The name or ID of the User through which they will login to the system.
Access Level - Displays what access privileges are applied to the User. Engineer Level allows write access only to the Information panel for each node.
Password - The password chosen by the User through which they will login to the system. This needs to be entered twice for clarification purposes.
Remove - Allows a User to be removed from the system
Add a New User:
User Name - The name or ID of the User through which they will login to the system.
Access Level - Establishes what access privileges are applied to the User.
Password - The password chosen by the User through which they will login to the system. This needs to be entered twice for clarification purposes.

7.7.7. Contact Administration  [Admin]=>Contacts

Contacts receive the alerts generated by the mutiny system. The sections allows Contacts to be added, enabled or removed from the system. It also provides a link, via the contact's name, to the Contact Details Panels.
Name - The name associated with the Contact.
Enable - Allows a Contact to be Enabled/Disabled from the alerting system.
Remove - Allows a Contact to be removed from the list.
Add a New Contact:
Creates a new contact in the system. Enter the name of the contact in the box and press the "[Update]" button
Stop All Alerts:
Warning: Using this check box will stop the Mutiny system from sending out any Alert messages whilst it is checked.
Edit Alert Templates
Click this button to reach pages that allow you to create, edit and delete Alert templates.

7.7.8. SMS Modem Settings  [Admin]=>SMS / Modem

Establishes the system's SMS services configuration. It is primarily concerned with configuring the system to communicate with the various Message Centres used by Air Time Providers to route SMS data.
Modem Selection:
Changes the setting for the modem that will be used to send SMS/Pager messages. Note that some modem types (e.g. GSM_GPRS) will need specific settings that are different from those listed below. These will be displayed only after the modem type is selected.
Modem Type
Selects the correct modem type from the list. If you are not sure which type of modem is installed, it may be possible for Mutiny to detect it. Press the "Detect" button to initiate this.
Serial Port
Allows the explicit setting of the modem serial port. If you are not sure which serial port is being used, it may be possible for Mutiny to detect it. Press the "Detect" button to initiate this.
Init String
The initialisation string to be used before the modem dials a message centre. This can be used to disable certain phone line properties.
External Line Prefix
This is required by some telephone systems to obtain an outside telephone line. This will be dialled prior to the Number of the message centre. In most cases this prefix will be "9".
Tests that it is possible for Mutiny to communicate with the modem. check for "OK" after the "ATZ" in the test output.
Ignore Dial Tone
Check this box to disable "Wait for dial tone" on the modem.

Message Centres:
Specifies the SMS message centres that have been defined for this system.
Name - The name of the company providing SMS services.
Protocol - Establishes the required protocol for the SMS services supported by the system. This protocol refers to a specific message centre.
Parameters - These relate to the serial communications used by the message centre. The first character represents the size of the data byte in bits. The second character represents the parity whereby E is Even, N is None and O is Odd. The final character represents the number of "stop bits" defining the length of the gap between data bytes.
Baud - The connection speed of the data communication with the message centre.
Disconnect - If the message centre uses a non-standard method of disconnecting then this box should remain unchecked.
Number - The actual telephone or pager number including its std code.
Delete - Removes the selected SMS / Pager details from the system.

Add New Message Centre:
Allows new SMS message centres to be added to this system.
Restore Default Message Centre:
Causes the default SMS message centre settings to be restored.

7.7.8. Views Administration [Admin]=>Views

Allows individual network layout arrangements to be built and viewed. These custom views can be arranged to show nodes of the same type, same operating system or in the same location. Since V4.2 this area has depreciated somewhat due to the new drag and drop Edit Views panel available on the main interface.

Name - The title applied to the Custom View.
Icon Size - Selects whether the node's are to be portrayed using large or small icons, Large or small status ball symbols.
Snap to Grid - Applies a simple arrangement to nodes added into a custom view.
Draw Hierarchy - Applies lines to link the nodes as a representation of their respective network hierarchy.
Display as Group - Enables all the nodes in the view to be depicted as a group icon in All Nodes View.
Background - Allows an alternative background to be selected for the custom view.
Tile - Applies a tiling affect to a chosen background.
Publish - Publishes the Custom View as a unique URL that can be linked to other Websites and viewed without the need to log on.
Mobile - Publishes the Custom View to the Mobile Interface at http://your.mutiny.add/m
Remove - Deletes the Custom View from the system.

Add a New View: - Establishes a new Custom View into the system.
Name - The name or title of the new Custom View.

7.7.9. Background Images  [Admin]=>Background Images

This pages allows for the uploading and removal of background images used on custom views. These can be any file like a map or visio drawing allowing users to visualise their estate. 

Admins can also select the background images from the views configure panel.

7.7.10. Connect Strings  [Admin]=>Connect Strings

Allows different methods of connecting to a monitored node. This is used in conjunction with the Connect button  found in the Status Summary panel for each node.

Connect String ID - The name of the connect method being used.
URI - The Uniform Resource Identifier applicable to the connect string. Tokens enclosed in '%' marks can be included in the URI. These tokens will be replaced with the correct data when the URI is used.
Currently the following tokens can be used:

Token Replacement
%ip%  - IP Address of selected node.
%dns%  - DNS Name of selected node. If no DNS name is available the IP Address will be used.
%user%  - Username used to log into Mutiny system.
%pass%  - Password used to log into Mutiny system.

Delete - Allows a connect string to be deleted from the list.

 New Connect String:
Creates a new connect string on the system. Enter the Appropriate ID and URI and select Update