

Section 4 - Initial Configuration

4.1. Build from image

If you are building or rebuilding your appliance this is done with either a build ISO burnt to a DVD (created from our iso download image), or an OVA bundle for virtual appliances (see section 12)

Once you have inserted your CD/DVD, start your appliance and use the boot menu option (F6) to boot from CD-Rom and follow the instructions. You may need an external DVDrom drive available from most stores.

The process takes a few minutes and once complete the unit will power down.

Remove the installation media and restart your appliance.

4.2. Configure the appliance using the console or virtual console

Press the power button to start your mutiny appliance.

Next you will see various start-up messages scrolling past; this is a normal part of the operating system load.

Once the appliance is running you will see a screen that looks like this
screenshot of the mutiny console

This is the Mutiny console it displays the current interface configuration and allows the user to change the network settings and shutdown the system gracefully.

Login with "" and password "password" and this will be the same as the superadmin users in the web frontend (There is also "admin" and "mutiny" if you only need to log on to shutwn the appliance).

Type 2 to enter the interface settings screen. Then select the interface you wish to configure.

Only one interface is required for monitoring and we recommend configuring ETH1 for your network and leaving ETH0 for administrative purposes.

Using the menu options, configure your interface setting to match those of your network and set the default gateway to match.

Your Mutiny system should now be accessible from your desktop/laptop. 

Open a web browser and navigate to the IP address set above.

Log in with the username "" and the password "password"

Please proceed to section 5 for steps to complete the basic set-up

or restore your old config :

4.3. Using a laptop or PC to configure a physical Appliance

This method of configuring the Mutiny appliance uses a cross-wired network cable to allow the laptop or PC to connect directly to the appliance.
Do not connect the appliance to the network at this time.
Configure the Ethernet port of your laptop or PC to the manually assigned address netmask
Using a cross-wired Ethernet cable, connect your laptop to LAN1 (left hand port).
Press the power button on the appliance.
Open a command window and type "ping -t" then press
Ignore messages like "Destination host unreachable" and "Request timed out" while the unit boots up.
After a few minutes you should start to get a reply like this;

Open your favourite browser (make sure it is an up-to-date browser that support web standards) and type in the default address of the Mutiny appliance followed by :81 this is the address and port of the web based maintenance interface.

Log in using the default Username "" and "password" note that both the username and password are case sensitive.
Once you are logged in you will see a screen with tabs to change some of the system settings for the appliance.

Click on the [Network] button to load the next page.

Change the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway for eth1 to the addresses you wish to use on your network. Click [update] to save the changes.
You can now plug LAN2 into your network. We suggest patching the appliance as close to the core of the network as possible to shorten the path to the critical nodes that are to be monitored.
Your Mutiny system should now be accessible from your desktop/laptop. Please proceed to section 5 for steps to complete the basic set-up.


If you are restoring your old config, see: